Pikchr  Diamond objects

A diamond acts much like a box except that its corners are rotated around the center point such that they become the shape’s four primary cardinal points:

Cardinal Points .n  .e .s .w 
bgcolor = 0x1d2021
D: diamond "Cardinal" "Points"
   dot ".n" above at D.n
   dot " .e" ljust at D.e
   dot ".s" below at D.s
   dot ".w " rjust at D.w

Indeed, before Pikchr acquired this primitive, the workaround was to draw an invisible box to hold the text, then draw lines between its cardinal points:

“Diamond” Label
bgcolor = 0x1d2021
box width 150% invis "“Diamond”" "Label"
line from last.w to last.n to last.e to last.s close

This does work, and it has the advantage of being compatible with the original PIC and with GNU dpic, but it also has a number of weaknesses, one of which is evident in comparing the examples above: the labels aren’t as well-centered when manually drawing the diamond.

Another is the need for that 150% fudge factor to the invisible box’s width, without which the labels would be truncated by the dimensions Pikchr calculates for the invisible bounding box:

“Diamond” Label
bgcolor = 0x1d2021
box invis "“Diamond”" "Label"
line from last.w to last.n to last.e to last.s close

A third advantage falls out of this fact: the “fit” attribute works as expected for Pikchr diamonds. It cannot with the manual PIC-compatible workaround due to the lack of a properly-calculated bounding box, one taking into account the rotated cardinal points:

Unfitted: D Properly fitted: D Badly fitted: D
bgcolor = 0x1d2021
text "Unfitted:"
diamond "D"
text "Properly fitted:"
diamond "D" fit
text "Badly fitted:"
box invis "D" fit
line from last.w to last.n to last.e to last.s close

There’s a fourth, more subtle advantage to having this primitive built into the language: the location of the ordinal points is now well-defined:

Ordinal Points  .ne  .se .sw  .nw 
bgcolor = 0x1d2021
D: diamond "Ordinal" "Points"
   dot " .ne" ljust above at D.ne
   dot " .se" ljust below at D.se
   dot ".sw " rjust below at D.sw
   dot ".nw " rjust above at D.nw

To replicate that with the PIC-compatible hack above, you’d have to do the geometry to work out where those points land along the lines. It’s better to leave that bit of tedious math to the Pikchr renderer.

Unlike a box, you cannot currently round the corners on a diamond. You can, however, programmatically override the default height and width by redefining the diamondht and diamondwid variables. Here we show two different ways of making the diamond 25% larger:

Diamond Dimensions height width Diamond Dimensions
bgcolor = 0x1d2021
D:  diamond thick "Diamond" "Dimensions" width 125% height 125%

X1: line thin color gray left 70% from 4mm left of (D.w,D.n)
X2: line same from 4mm left of (D.w,D.s)
    text "height" small at 1/2 way between X1 and X2
    line thin color gray from previous text.n up   until even with X1 ->
    line thin color gray from previous text.s down until even with X2 ->
X3: line thin color gray down 50% from 2mm below (D.w,D.s)
X4: line same from 2mm below (D.e,D.s)
    text "width" small at 1/2 way between X3 and X4
    line thin color gray from previous text.w left  until even with X3 ->
    line thin color gray from previous text.e right until even with X4 ->

    diamondht  *= 1.25
    diamondwid *= 1.25
    diamond thick "Diamond" "Dimensions" at 1.5in right of D