
Pandoc filter

Pandoc filter

(1) By John (jboy001) on 2021-10-08 19:24:40 [link] [source]

It was brought up in this forum previously that it would be neat to use Pikchr from Pandoc.

I just gave it a short and managed to implement a filter using Pandoc's Lua API. You can find it in this repository. I tried it with HTML and ODT output, and both worked well (though the image size in the ODT file was a bit off).

(2) By anonymous on 2021-10-27 21:49:01 in reply to 1 [link] [source]


Thanks muchly for this, I've been using to make PDFs etc and it works well. I'll do a bit more production testing in the next weeks and see if anything turns up.


(3) By Phil (philmaker) on 2021-11-25 01:52:48 in reply to 1 [source]


Thanks for the pikchr lua filter, FWIW I've ended adding it to to diagram-generator.lua so you get:

  1. Pikchr
  2. PlantUML
  3. Graphviz (aka dot)
  4. Tikz
  5. Python
  6. TMG - my own little macroprocessor
*.md *.sty pandoc PDF or HTML
box "*.md" "*.sty"
arrow ->
box "pandoc"
arrow ->
box "PDF or" "HTML"

Its intended for writing up design documents and after a bit more testing I'll release but if anyone is interested drop me a line at philip dot maker at gmail com.

(4) By midijohnny on 2024-02-20 21:43:32 in reply to 1 [link] [source]

Hi - just wondering if you have taken down the repository for the Pandoc Filter you wrote - I'm getting a "502 Bad Gateway" response when trying to access.

If the repo is no longer available - could you post the code (if it is short enough) or provide another link?

Thanks in advance!

(5) By John (jboy001) on 2024-03-08 09:06:55 in reply to 4 [link] [source]

I had to do some maintenance on the server. It's back up now.